Posts by Jim C (Page 30)
December Pastor’s Pen
As I write, the lyrics to a popular Christmas tune have begun running through my head. “It’s the most, wonderful time of the year. With the kids jingle belling and everyone telling you be of good cheer! It’s the most wonderful time of the year.†While the joy detailed in this song is normally how I feel at Christmastime, this year I’m having a little trouble…
Blood drives
Chicken Noodle and other upcoming events
Sorry this blog has been so quiet of late, I’ll have another post right after this one, but it is that time of year again. One week from today is the annual Chicken Noodle dinner. There are still work slots available for signup (see sheets outside the office door or call). Here are some dates to mark on your calendars (and turn those clocks back tonight,…
Rally Day – 7 Sep 2008
Folks, the summer is rapidly drawing to a close and it is time to start ramping up the fall activities. With fall comes the beginning of school and the return of Sunday School (and before too long Chicken Noodle). This Sunday morning, we’ll kick off the beginning of the fall season and the return of Sunday School for all ages at 9:15. Come join us.
August Pastor’s Pen
Hi everyone. Â Well, this is my first attempt at blogging and it could go poorly. Â But I will try to post my pastor’s pens here as faithfully as possible. Â Happy reading and pondering!
June-July sermon series and upcoming events
Just a reminder, we’re continuing to celebrate Pentecost throughout the summer and during June and July Pastor Ruth is preaching on the “Fruit of the Spirit” (Gal 5:22,23). Vacation Bible School begins next Sunday evening, 22 Jun and our 10:30 worship on 29 Jun will be held outdoors (weather permitting) and will be followed by a potluck picnic. Everyone…
Books in the Church Library
Many thanks to Bonnie Bolsen for the many hours she has taken to catalog the books there. You can find the catalog here.
Pastor Ruth is installed
Installation Scheduled
At last week’s church council meeting it was agreed that Pastor Ruth will be officially installed by the Central Southeast Ohio Association on Sunday afternoon, May 18 at 3:00PM. While all the final details are still being worked out, but the message for the day will be provided by LTC Bruce Farrell, Chaplain, United States Army (and, oh by the way, Pastor…
Potluck Friday – meet the delegation from Nicaragua
Just a quick note, that we will have a potluck in the fellowship hall Friday evening which will be everyone’s opportunity to meet the delegation from Iglesia Mision Cristiana in Nicaragua that is visiting the Central Southeast Ohio Association this week. I had the privilege of being part of…