Return to in-person worship (again)
To our Grace Church family and friends, As promised, church council has been meeting regularly to review the possibility of returning to sanctuary services. We met again on Feb 14 and agreed to return to in-person worship services this Sunday, Feb 20. Case numbers have returned to where they were in Nov, and hospitalizations are back to where they were in Dec (and are trending in the right direction) We will continue to follow the safety protocols that were in…
Worship update – 2022-01-28
Last night (27 Jan), Church Council held a special meeting to review the current state of Covid cases in Fairfield County. While the number of cases has peaked and is coming back down, it was decided that they are still higher than we would like. So, for the next at least the next two weeks (through 6 Feb), we will remain online-only for worship. Council will meet again in two weeks and re-examine the data. In the meantime, you can…
Temporary Return to Online-only Worship
…in humility regard others as better than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. 5 Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 2:3b-5a You may already have heard last evening’s call from Pastor Keith via DialMyCalls, but in an effort to spread the news as far as possible we’re sharing the letter from Council here as well. January 10, 2022 Dear Church Family and Friends, Happy New Year! …
Returning to In-Person Worship
To our Grace Church family and friends, As promised, church council has been meeting every two weeks to review the possibility of returning to sanctuary services. We met again on April 8 and agreed to return to in-person worship services on May 9. Selecting this date will allow us to accomplish a number of important objectives. While many of our members have been fully vaccinated, this date allows for many of the younger members of the church to complete the…
Regarding In-person Worship
13I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Wait for the Lord! Psalm 27 Dear Grace Family and Friends, Church Council met informally on Thursday (11 March) to discuss scheduling a reopening date for sanctuary worship services. We are reviewing data regarding the virus, the increase in vaccinations, and recommendations from the CDC, the Central Southeast Association, the Heartland…
Sanctuary Service Procedures
Grace Church Family and Friends, As we look everyday at the numbers of positive Covid cases in our county, state and around the country, we all continue to wonder how we will return to our sanctuary services, reuniting in our sacred space. We pray that you are safe and well, but this time of separation is becoming increasingly difficult for many. We have developed a proposed plan that will allow us to return to the sanctuary, if all can agree…
Returning to worshiping in person
Grace Family and Friends This Sunday, 20 September 2020, we will be back in the sanctuary for worship (provided Fairfield County does not move back to level 3 this Thursday). It is an exciting time for Grace. It is also a time for some caution as we continue to confront the concerns related to the virus. We feel that we can make this work if we follow some guidelines. We sent those guidelines to you in the last newsletter (they’ll…

Covid-19 worship update
To our Grace United Church of Christ Family and Friends In response to the ongoing health crisis facing our community and our nation, our gathering time for worship was not held on March 15. After much prayer and discussion, the Church Council, in an online meeting, has decided to honor the request of the Heartland Association and the Governor to promote social distancing for the health and safety of our church family. Church services will be offered online between this…