social media
Just in time for Easter, we’re pleased to announce that starting this Sunday, in addition to our previous streaming options on Facebook Live, Twitter/Periscope, and on our website, we will now be streaming live on YouTube. Our channel can be found at
Live-streaming from our website
Given that we are once again, not worshiping in person due to the upsurge in Covid-19 cases in Fairfield County, we’ve made a slight change to our website. We now offer FOUR different ways you can watch live. Our primary platform is still [1] Facebook Live (and you do not need to have a Facebook account to watch), but you can also watch on [2] Twitter/Periscope, [3] Zoom (login info e-mailed to those on our news e-mail list), and now…
We’re on Instagram
We don’t have any pictures posted there yet, but we have joined Instagram. We will probably copy most (or all) of the pictures to Facebook and Twitter, but we haven’t worked that all out yet Stay tuned. We can be found at

Grace UCC is on Facebook
I guess I neglected to mention there that we’ve created a Facebook group for our church. If you are on Facebook, feel free to drop by. I’ll try to create events in that group for special events at the church, so keep your eye on the events on the right-hand side of the page. The group is currently open to anyone (members, friends, the curious). Hopefully, we won’t get any abusive trolls there that would cause us to have to…