Online giving is here
Pastor Mindy, in her monthly post, mentioned that the theme for our stewardship campaign for this year is “Go and do likewise.” Part of that is financial support to the work and mission of Grace UCC both locally and through “Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM)” which is how we support the United Church of Christ outside the walls of our sanctuary. Our congregation is blessed at the moment to be the church home to both the moderator of the Central…
Where your support has gone
Some folks asked for this info from Sherry Clausing’s presentation last month. The Grace Church Endowment has been very generous in supporting her many trips to El Salvador with Eye Care International over the last few years and the last slide of her presentation showed some of the many ways that your money has supported worthwhile projects that Sherry saw or became aware of while in El Salvador. The include, but are not limited to, the following (in no particular…
Souper Bowl of Caring 2014
This year, for the 14th consecutive year, we are participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring to benefit the hungry of Fairfield County. The grocery cart is in the narthex for the next 2 Sunday’s to collect your non-perishable food items. For the second year, we have also set up an online drive which you can contribute to at http://www.yougivegoods.com/drive.php?id=2479
Cookie Walk 2013
Our annual cookie walk is this Sat, 14 Dec @ 9:00AM. Considered by many to be the best Cookie Walk in Fairfield County. All the proceeds are used for mission projects, so come early, some years we’ve sold out in about 90 minutes. Also check out our Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/408055559323607/

Trip to Nicaragua – June 12-22, 2013
The Central Southeast Association of the United Church of Christ has a partnership with Iglesia Mision Cristiana of Nicaragua. We read in our Covenant Agreement that “we are invited by God to discover what the Body of Christ looks like from God’s view of the whole human family, particularly as that family is found in Nicaragua and Ohio.” A group of about 8-15 folks from around the Central Southeast Ohio Association will travel to Nicaragua June 12-22, 2013. We will…

Cookie Walk
Our annual cookie walk is Sat, 15 Dec @ 9:00AM. Considered by many to be the best Cookie Walk in Fairfield County. All the proceeds are used for mission projects, so come early, some years we’ve sold out in about 90 minutes. Also check out our FB event at https://www.facebook.com/events/441274565930418/

Reflections on the 2009 work trip
We have a “guest” post this time from Kelson Henwood, one of the youth who spent a week working in Queens last month. Here are her thoughts in her own words (thanx for sharing, Kelson). Grace U.C.C’s youth group recently returned from a YouthWorks mission trip in Queens, New York. A group of 6 teens and 3 adults traveled to Jamaica, NY on June 14, 2009 for a week of service, reflection and fellowship! The group met and joined a…

Typo in the Kroger Community Rewards handout
The handout that was handed out (is that redundant?) yesterday morning after church had a typo in it. You can register your Kroger Plus card via http://www.kroger.com or http://www.krogercommunityrewards.com (this is the URL that was supposed to be on the sheet and will be on those handed out next Sunday). You must login or create an account then go to My Account, then to the Community Rewards section on the right-hand side of the page. Make sure you search for “Grace…
Bring on the soup
For the, I believe, 7th8th year now, Grace UCC is participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring on Super Bowl Sunday, 1 February. For the second year now, we’re competing with the other UCC churches in Fairfield County to see who can collect the most cans of soup (which will be given to Lutheran Social Services in early February to be distributed to those in need in Fairfield County). Each package of Ramen noodles (they seemed to especially like these…

Potluck Friday – meet the delegation from Nicaragua
Just a quick note, that we will have a potluck in the fellowship hall Friday evening which will be everyone’s opportunity to meet the delegation from Iglesia Mision Cristiana in Nicaragua that is visiting the Central Southeast Ohio Association this week. I had the privilege of being part of the delegation from Central OH that visited Nicaragua a month ago, so I’m especially excited that some of my new friends were able to get visas and visit us here for…
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