

Pastor Ruth is installed

On a beautiful, if a bit chilly, Sunday afternoon, Pastor Ruth Farrell was installed today as pastor and teacher of Grace UCC. Rev. Dr. Forrest Hoppe, Association Minister, and Rev. Eric Williams, chair of the Association Department of Church and Ministry officiated over the actual installation and the moving message for the afternoon was delivered by Pastor Ruth’s father, Rev. Dr. (LTC) Bruce Farrell, a chaplain with the Pennsylvania Army National Guard who recently returned from a year in Iraq.…

Installation Scheduled

At last week’s church council meeting it was agreed that Pastor Ruth will be officially installed by the Central Southeast Ohio Association on Sunday afternoon, May 18 at 3:00PM. While all the final details are still being worked out, but the message for the day will be provided by LTC Bruce Farrell, Chaplain, United States Army (and, oh by the way, Pastor Ruth’s dad), so we invite as many of you as can to join us for this very important…