guest preacher

guest preacher

Guest Preacher (and Dress Warmly)

Folks, just a reminder that Pastor Mindy is on vacation this Sunday.  Our guest preacher will be Nicole Pickens.  She has worshiped with us in the past, she is a seminary student at the Methodist Theological School of Ohio in Delaware and is a member-in-discernment for ordination with the Central Southeast Ohio Association.  Please come out and welcome Nicole to worship.  Also, a note, the work on switching over the church building from electric to natural gas heat is underway,…

This Sunday!!

This Sunday we have a couple of special things going on. 1) Our guest preacher will be our own Keely Pearce; 2) this is Choir Appreciation Sunday, we’ll be recognizing the choir for all they add to our worship experience every week.  Please join us at 10:30 Sunday morning and stick around for cake and punch after worship.