Rally Day
Rally Day 2014
This Sunday morning will be a very busy one as we kick off the program year. Please join us. 9:15 AM – Sunday School 9:15 AM – Choir practice 10:30 AM – Worship including Rally Day activities and communion ~11:30 AM – Potluck ~1:00 PM – Youth & Sunday School meetings to plan for the fall
Rally Day!!!
Come join us this Sunday morning at 9:30AM as we kick off our Sunday School program for the year. The adults will begin a program on The Art of Neighboring led by Tammy Townsend and Pastor Dennis. The kids will get the gifts that go with the Christian Education progression (Bibles, etc.). Everyone is invited.
Upcoming Events
There are a lot of exciting events coming up at Grace Church in September. First, however, our neighborhood tailgate party is being postponed due to scheduling issues. Hopefully we can reschedule it for later in the fall. Some of the events coming up this month include: Rally Day, Sunday, 15 September @ 9:30AM The Amazing Heart, a support group for those who have encountered heart health problems, beginning Wednesday, 18 September, 2:00-3:30PM Moving into the Future, bring your vittles and…

Rally Day – 7 Sep 2008
Folks, the summer is rapidly drawing to a close and it is time to start ramping up the fall activities. With fall comes the beginning of school and the return of Sunday School (and before too long Chicken Noodle). This Sunday morning, we’ll kick off the beginning of the fall season and the return of Sunday School for all ages at 9:15. Come join us.