'Pastor’s Piece/Peace' Tagged Posts
Pastor’s Column – Dec 2022
We have sung this hymn twice in worship. Not only is the melody catchy and easy topick-up, but the words have the power to hold us like a needed hug. Each verse beginswithin a context of uncertainty and great challenge.Verse 1: “My soul cries out…”Verse 2: “Though I am small…”Verse 3: “Though the nations rage from age to age…”When we sing these words, we too have an opportunity to think about the challenges weface. Is it our longing for a…
Pastor’s Column – Oct 2022
“He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow.” Deuteronomy 10:18 For the past couple years my grandmother has been going through her things and offering sentimental items to any grandkid that wants them. Knowing my love for history and being a pastor she has passed on a number of daily devotionals from my Great Grandpa Weller (b. 1889). The verse I shared above comes from the month of October in one such devotional. The teeny tiny book measures…
Pastor’s Column – Sep 2022
In times of despairTania Yadira Martinez Tadeo The time will come when your path will turn abrupt, In which the fog will be so dense That you won’t be able to see beyond the next step.Desperate you will scream and hear only the echo of your voice. You will try to continue as usual,Focused on everything you need to do;A futile race against timeThat will only leave you exhausted.You will feel confused,You will think you have lost your way,And you’ll…
Pastor’s Column – July 2022
She began her sermon with a question, “What is the address of the church?” Those in the pews did not know whether they should respond or not. To be honest, her question felt like a trap and they did not want to fall for it. She asked the question again, “what is the address of the church?” One congregation member who found the silence unsettling raised his hand and gave the mailing address of the church. She said, “Very good.…
Pastor’s Column – May 2022
New Life is Right Here Maybe todaywe can take a moment.Maybe todaywe can silence the inner critic.Maybe todaywe can leave perfection at the door.Maybe today we can allow ourselves to behere.Maybe that’s all that matter.Maybe this sunrise is for you.Maybe these Hallelujahs are for us.Maybe the hope blooming in my chestis for us.Maybe the resurrection was not just about God’s body,but is about our body.Maybe this new life reaches all the way to the edges.Maybe we are free to live…
Pastor’s Column – Apr 2022
Water Marks Jesus probably kneeled down.He probably took Peter’s heelin his handsto wash his feet.And I wonder if they both thought of Jacob—the heel-grabber,the trickster who wrestledwith God.I wonder if it felt like a do-over,a fresh start for creation.I wonder if the basin overflowedwhen Jesus poured the water out.I wonder if it splashed,leaving water marks on the floor—proof that love was really there.I wonder if I would have let Jesus do the same.Would I have been like Peter and said,“Not…
Pastor’s Column – Mar 2022
God of compassion, you know how we rebel against you. You know how we doubtand fear and hold back, when you call us to freedom and to partnership in Jesus Christ. God forgive us. Free us by the power of the cross, that we may serve you without fear.Grant us your peace through Jesus Christ who was faithful to the end. Amen. I have gotten it wrong. I… Rev. Pastor Keith have done what was not pleasing in God’s eyes.…
Pastor’s Column – Feb 2022
But the land that you are crossing over to occupy is a land of hills and valleys, watered by rain from the sky, a land that the LORD your God looks after. The eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Deuteronomy 11:11-12 It may just be me, but I don’t find comfort in phrases like “this was all part of God’s plan,” or “God must…
Pastor’s Column – Oct 2021
What is your favorite season? Is it Fall with her orange and yellow leaves? Is it Winter and his snow covered trees? Is it Spring, and the arrival of her warm rays of light? Or do you prefer Summer with its long days and vacation getaways? My favorite season seems to be whatever comes next or before. Instead of living in the moment and giving thanks for the season we are in, a part of me is never quite satisfied.…
Pastor’s Column – Sep 2021
Greek: μένω, menoEnglish: Abide, dwell, remain The Greek word μένω, pronounced meno, appears thirty-four times in the Gospel according to John, demonstrating its theological importance in that Gospel narrative. Simply put, μένω means to be with, to abide, to dwell, to remain with, and it is often used to describe one’s relationship with Christ. It is used throughout John, but most notably in John 15 where Jesus is the true vine. “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those…