

Web site refresh

As Lent begins, we’re taking the opportunity to begin a project that will continue through much of the rest of the year of refreshing our website. The first step of this process is to switch to a new WordPress theme. We’ve been using Maranatha from ChurchThemes for a number of years now, but we have now switched to the Jubilee theme, also from ChurchThemes. The menu structure is still the same and the search option is still available by clicking…

Covid-19 worship update

To our Grace United Church of Christ Family and Friends In response to the ongoing health crisis facing our community and our nation, our gathering time for worship was not held on March 15. After much prayer and discussion, the Church Council, in an online meeting, has decided to honor the request of the Heartland Association and the Governor to promote social distancing for the health and safety of our church family. Church services will be offered online between this…

New hosting

You probably noticed that we haven’t posted much here lately.  We were having performance issues with our old hosting provider.  Last evening we moved to a new hosting provider and performance should be better, so we’ll be posting more often (and get the backlog of sermons posted).  We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

New website feature – calendar

The WordPress theme that we use got an update recently that introduces the ability to show upcoming events as a calendar rather than just a list of events, so we’ve added a calendar page that can be reached via the Calendar link in the menu at the top of the page or by hovering over ‘Welcome to Grace UCC’ in the header menu and choosing Calendar from the drop-down.  The one downside is that it only shows upcoming and not…


Mea Culpa!!  I got a notice yesterday (it may have actually come in Friday night, I don’t remember) that a hacker had planted a phishing page on our website.  I had, unfortunately, stopped being quite as diligent about looking at the logs from the website on a regular basis.  I’ve looked at the logs since then and I believe I know how they got the content on here.  I’ve changed the password I believe they cracked and removed the stuff…

Sermon podcasts are here

I’ve added a new feature to the website.  We now have sermon podcasts.  We probably won’t be posting every sermon (for both personnel and technical reasons), but my hope is that the will be able to post on a fairly regular basis.  I’ll post links here to the individual sermons as they get posted, but you can also subscribe here or see browse them all here.

And so, the transition begins

For a variety of reasons, this blog has been neglected for the last year.  It was started during a period of transition and, as we begin another period of transition, I guess it is appropriate that this blog and the website will be getting some renewed attention to go along with our Facebook page (  Coming attractions will (hopefully) include, regular postings by our interim pastor, sermon audio, upcoming events and mission projects, and, on the website, the monthly newsletters. …

The Church website is back

After an absence that stretched on longer than we originally planned, the church has its website back online at  Eventually, we hope to link this blog up with the website, too, but in the meantime, click over and check it out.