souperbowl of caring

souperbowl of caring

Souper Bowl of Caring 2023

It is again time for the Souper Bowl of Caring. We mentioned it during the announcements on Sunday morning, but I was a little slow getting it posted here. for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me Matthew 25:35 (NRSV) The quote from Matthew is central to several of our core values, namely, love and welcoming community. This year, for the…

Souper Bowl of Caring 2019

It is again time for the Souper Bowl of Caring for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me Matthew 25:35 (NRSV) The quote from Matthew is central to several of our core values, namely, love and welcoming community. This year, for the 19th consecutive year, we are participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring to benefit the hungry of Fairfield County.…

Souper Bowl of Giving Results

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our 2018 Souper Bowl of Giving food collection this year. We had 455 items dropped in the shopping cart and another 33 lbs of food given online this year. We can’t forget, however, that hunger is a problem in Fairfield County all year long. While this is a great start to the year, Jesus calls on us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked all the time. [slideshow_deploy id=’5390′]

Souper Bowl of Caring 2018

As Jack mentioned during the announcements this morning, it is again time for the Souper Bowl of Caring for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me Matthew 25:35 (NRSV) The quote from Matthew is central to several of our core values, namely, love and welcoming community.  This year, for the 18th consecutive year, we are participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring to benefit…

Souper Bowl of Caring 2017

for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me Matthew 25:35 (NRSV) The quote from Matthew is central to several of our core values, namely, love and welcoming community.  This year, for the 17th consecutive year, we are participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring to benefit the hungry of Fairfield County.  We’ll be collecting non-perishable food items (and money) that will go to…

Souper Bowl of Caring 2015

for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me Matthew 25:35 (NRSV) The quote from Matthew is central to several of our core values, namely, love and welcoming community.  This year, for the 15th consecutive year, we are participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring to benefit the hungry of Fairfield County.  We’ll be collecting non-perishable food items (and money) that will go to…

Souper Bowl of Caring 2014

This year, for the 14th consecutive year, we are participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring to benefit the hungry of Fairfield County.  The grocery cart is in the narthex for the next 2 Sunday’s to collect your non-perishable food items.  For the second year, we have also set up an online drive which you can contribute to at

Souper Bowl of Caring 2013

We are participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring again this year to benefit the hungry of Fairfield County.  The grocery cart is set up in the narthex to collect nonperishable food items.  This year we’ve also setup an online drive if anyone would like to contribute that way.  The online drive can be found at