Youth Sunday
One of our traditions at Grace is to have the youth lead worship the Sunday before Thanksgiving. We’ll be continuing that tradition this Sunday, so join as we give thanks for all that God has given us.
Christmas Pagaent and Birthday Party for Jesus 2012
This Sunday, December 16, you are invited to join us for the children and youth Christmas Pageant during the worship hour at 10:30. Following the service will be a Birthday Party for Jesus. Thanks to the youth at Grace for decorating the Christmas tree for the party in the fellowship hall.

Reflections on the 2009 work trip
We have a “guest” post this time from Kelson Henwood, one of the youth who spent a week working in Queens last month. Here are her thoughts in her own words (thanx for sharing, Kelson). Grace U.C.C’s youth group recently returned from a YouthWorks mission trip in Queens, New York. A group of 6 teens and 3 adults traveled to Jamaica, NY on June 14, 2009 for a week of service, reflection and fellowship! The group met and joined a…
Bring on the soup
For the, I believe, 7th8th year now, Grace UCC is participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring on Super Bowl Sunday, 1 February. For the second year now, we’re competing with the other UCC churches in Fairfield County to see who can collect the most cans of soup (which will be given to Lutheran Social Services in early February to be distributed to those in need in Fairfield County). Each package of Ramen noodles (they seemed to especially like these…
Soup drive and Souper Bowl of Caring results
On Sunday morning, 3 February, the youth group sponsored a pancake breakfast to raise money for this summer’s work trips. About 45 people turned out and $206 was raised. Also that morning, we wrapped up the soup drive competition with the Baltimore UCC churches. In total, we collected 1755 points/cans. Trinity UCC collected just under 1100 and St. Michael’s a little less. The soup will be distributed to Lutheran Social Services and Maywood Mission to help feed the hungry of…

Upcoming Events at Grace UCC
Just a reminder that there are a number of special events coming up over the next couple of weeks: 3 Feb – Pancake Breakfast. At 9:00AM, the youth will host a pancake breakfast with the proceeds going toward the trips this summer (Heifer and the National Youth Event). Women in Worship Sunday. The women of Grace Church will do the entire worship service. Souper Bowl of Caring. The culmination of our soup drive competition with the Baltimore churches, bring your…