You may have noticed that the sermons hadn’t been posted in a while. We had some technical difficulties getting the recordings off the computer at church. Those difficulties have been taken care of and you’ll see 3 sermons from Advent (not including the children’s pageant) will be posted shortly. Also, 3 sermons from January (we didn’t get the 10th due to the power issues we had during the service). We’ll try to stay on top of posting them within a…
Worshiping the Mud Maker
Pastor Dennis’ reflections on John 9:1-41 – Jesus heals the blind man with mud. Also uses music from John and June Cash “If I were a Carpenter.”
The Nicodemus Question
Pastor Dennis’ sermon for 16 Mar. Meet the original ‘Nick at Night’, the pharisee Nicodemus and join him as he observes Jesus journey to the cross.
In the Beginning Was the Garden
Adam and Eve were tempted with the apple, Jesus was tempted with bread, what is your big test? Pastor Dennis’ sermon from 9 March.
Transforming on a Cloudy Day
Pastor Dennis’ sermon on 2 March. Do we appreciate the clouds? The Washington Gladden excerpt Pastor Dennis referred to can be found at
Pastor Dennis’ sermon for 23 Feb. The fourth and final installment in our sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount. Link to the book:
Be Reconciled
Pastor Dennis’ sermon for 16 Feb, the third in our series on the Sermon on the Mount. Several minutes of silence were cut from the recording as members approached the altar to pray.
Let Your Light Shine Before Others
Pastor Dennis’ sermon for 9 Feb. The second in his series on the Sermon on the Mount. The slides can be found here:
Rejoice and Be Glad for all Nine Blesseds
The first of our 4 week study of the Sermon on the Mount begins with the Beatitudes.
Fishing for people
For those who were not among the 21 brave souls who ventured out this morning to worship, here is Pastor Dennis’ reflection on Matthew 4:12-23. Also, below is the map he references during the sermon.