May 2014 – Pastor’s Piece/Peace
Thanks to everyone who helped make Holy Week and the Easter Sunday Celebration a special time. We had a good attendance in the events and worship around Easter. The morning demonstrated the potential for Grace Church and her future. Already we have several things happening fast: On May 7 the Christian Service Board is supplying food for a special event with the students of West Elementary in Lancaster. On Saturday, May 10 Grace Church is having our second annual Children’s…

Pentecost 2013
Pastor Dennis shares his message for Pentecost 2013. Audio alone just didn’t do this one justice. Apologies for the shakiness, this was recorded on my phone.
A Busy Weekend at Grace Church
There is a lot going on this coming weekend. Sat, 18 May, 2-4PM, Community Festival at the church Sun, 19 May, Pentecost. Special treat for the kids during worship Sun, 19 May, Senior Citizens Luncheon, our annual lunch for members over the age of 70, immediately following worship. We hope to see you at one or more of these events.

Confirmation Sunday
Confirmation Sunday is upon us! Next Sunday, May 31, two young men will be affirm the baptismal vows their parents’ made, thereby taking upon themselves the responsibility for their own faith. They will also “officially” join the church as voting members. Everyone is invited and encouraged to come to the worship service and celebrate this milestone in their lives. If that’s not a good enough reason, there will be a reception (with food) afterwards. Hope to see lots of you!