

Game Day

  GAME DAY- February 7 – Super Bowl Sunday – We are planning a game day after the worship service.  Pizza and drinks provided. Bring your favorite games and snacks. Church will be casual dress that day…wear your favorite team colors!  All ages are welcome!   We promise we will have you home in time for the Super Bowl.  Join us for fun and fellowship.  Sign up sheet is on the office window.

Reds-Cards Social Outing

As, she mentioned when she was here in June, Pastor Mindy is a huge Cardinals baseball fan.  Her first Sunday in the pulpit will be Rally Day, 14 Sep (there will be a lot more about that in a future post), but we have an opportunity for a social outing with her the week before her first Sunday.  On Thursday, 11 Sep, the Reds and the Cards play a day game at Great American Ballpark and we’d like to get…

Chicken Noodle and other upcoming events

Sorry this blog has been so quiet of late, I’ll have another post right after this one, but it is that time of year again.  One week from today is the annual Chicken Noodle dinner.  There are still work slots available for signup (see sheets outside the office door or call). Here are some dates to mark on your calendars (and turn those clocks back tonight, you get an extra hour of sleep). November: 2 Nov (2:00AM) – Daylight Saving…

Potluck Friday – meet the delegation from Nicaragua

Just a quick note, that we will have a potluck in the fellowship hall Friday evening which will be everyone’s opportunity to meet the delegation from Iglesia Mision Cristiana in Nicaragua that is visiting the Central Southeast Ohio Association this week. I had the privilege of being part of the delegation from Central OH that visited Nicaragua a month ago, so I’m especially excited that some of my new friends were able to get visas and visit us here for…