congregational meeting


After many months of deliberation, prayers, soul searching, and people searching, the Grace United Church of Christ Search Committee is proud to announce that we have indeed finally found what we have been looking for–a new pastor (well, a candidate to present to the congregation)! Over the next few days, members will be receiving a letter introducing you to our recommended candidate and we hope that you will feel the same about this person as we do now.  We have…

Congregational Meeting

Just a reminder that we’ll be having a congregational meeting after worship this Sunday morning.  The purpose of this meeting is to receive annual reports, learn about the Council goals for 2014, and get an update from the Search Committee on the status of our search for a new pastor, so please join us.  As noted in the previous blog post, the reports can be found online at

Congregational Meeting and Annual Reports

We’ll be having a congregational meeting on March 2.  This is the meeting where we normally accept annual reports and hear Council’s goals for the new year.  This year we’ll also hear an update from the search committee.  If you haven’t picked up a hard copy of the annual reports (which can be found on the table in the narthex), you can grab them online at  See you there.

2013 Annual Meeting

Just a reminder, our annual congregational meeting will be held this coming Sunday, 10 Feb.  The two items of business for this meeting are receiving the annual reports and receiving an overview of the search process that we will be pursuing over the next year to 18 months as we search for a new settled pastor. Copies of the annual reports can be found at

Upcoming Events at Grace UCC

Just a reminder that there are a number of special events coming up over the next couple of weeks: 3 Feb – Pancake Breakfast. At 9:00AM, the youth will host a pancake breakfast with the proceeds going toward the trips this summer (Heifer and the National Youth Event). Women in Worship Sunday. The women of Grace Church will do the entire worship service. Souper Bowl of Caring. The culmination of our soup drive competition with the Baltimore churches, bring your…

Trial Sermon and Congregational Meeting

It is with great pleasure that I announce that at this evening’s council meeting, 10 Feb was set as the date for the trial sermon and congregational meeting for the purpose of calling our new pastor. Further details will follow in a letter to all members which should go out this week and in the Feb newsletter.