

Pastor’s Column – Aug 2021

I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you. Philippians 1:3-5 In this time of Covid and social distancing, I have developed a new appreciation for the ways in which Paul greets churches that are out of his reach. They are either too far away or in the context of Philippians, Paul is restricted to his tiny jail cell, not able to leave even if he…

Returning to In-Person Worship

To our Grace Church family and friends, As promised, church council has been meeting every two weeks to review the possibility of returning to sanctuary services. We met again on April 8 and agreed to return to in-person worship services on May 9. Selecting this date will allow us to accomplish a number of important objectives. While many of our members have been fully vaccinated, this date allows for many of the younger members of the church to complete the…

Musical Instruments Needed for Flooded High School

As you probably remember, we sent the flood cleanup buckets we had put together down to our sister congregation, Bridges of Grace UCC in Charleston, WV following the devastating flooding down there in June.  Well, they have another request and we’re going to try to help them out with it.  We received the following note from Rev. Kay Albright, the pastor at Bridges of Grace The floods in West Virginia have been devastating in many areas. Bridges of Grace UCC,…

DialMyCalls is here

Back during the winter, council discussed looking at an automated calling system for the church.  This is a system that can send out short recorded voice messages or text messages to the congregation.  Pastor Mindy had used one at her last church and found it quite useful for sending out reminders of upcoming events or alerts in case of unexpected things like power outages, etc.  We first applied for a grant from one of the major companies that offer this type…

Time to re-enroll in Kroger Community Rewards

If you were previously enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards program, you may have gotten an e-mail in the last week or so, reminding you that it was time to re-enroll.  The Kroger Community Rewards program is a way to raise money simply by using your Kroger Plus card when you buy groceries.  100% of the money the church receives through this program goes back out to help those in need in our community.  In the past, the Christian Service board…

Time to re-enroll in Kroger Community Rewards

If you were previously enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards program, you probably got an e-mail in the last week or so, reminding you that it was time to re-enroll.  The Kroger Community Rewards program is a way to raise money simply by using your Kroger Plus card when you buy groceries.  100% of the money the church receives through this program goes back out to help those in need in our community.  In the past, the Christian Service board…

Charge to the Congregation

Note: The following is the charge to the congregation I gave during Pastor Mindy’s installation on Sun, 30 Nov (with the parts I left out when I lost my train of thought) –Jim I was honored when Mindy asked me to take this part in her installation. I’ve been to many installations over the years due in part to my tenure on the Association Department for Church and Authorized Ministry (DCAM).  In fact, the liturgy of installation that we just…

Time to re-enroll in Kroger Community Rewards

If you were previously enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards program, you probably got an e-mail in the last week or so, reminding you that it was time to re-enroll.  The Kroger Community Rewards program is a way to raise money simply by using your Kroger Plus card when you buy groceries.  100% of the money the church receives through this program goes back out to help those in need in our community.  In the past, the Christian Service board…