Posts by grace

Posts by grace

pipe organ in an Austrian church

Pastor’s Column – June 2024

Today, if you were to travel to Halberstadt Germany, and if you were to take a walk around town, and if you happened past St. Burchardi church, you would hear the hum of an organ playing a song that first began on September 5, 2001. Composer John Cage is noted to have instructed musicians to play “as slow as possible” at a conference in 1997, because an organ would sustain that note beautifully. The John Cage Organ Foundation Halberstadt took…

Christmas Eve 11:00 Service Cancelled

Due to the bitter cold and poor road conditions. We are cancelling the 11:00PM service. We will still be holding the 4:00 PM service and you can watch the video on Facebook or YouTube. Apologies for the short notice, but your health and safety are more important than your physical presence at one service. Be safe and Merry Christmas!

Pastor’s Column – July 2022

She began her sermon with a question, “What is the address of the church?” Those in the pews did not know whether they should respond or not. To be honest, her question felt like a trap and they did not want to fall for it. She asked the question again, “what is the address of the church?” One congregation member who found the silence unsettling raised his hand and gave the mailing address of the church. She said, “Very good.…

…from the pastor

Dear Friends,We are starting to see the slightest signs of spring. In between the days of gustingwinds, snow and sleet we get glimpses of what is coming. There is some learning and skills inbeing able to see these signs. It reminds me of this quote from Thoreau: “We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids,but by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us even in oursoundest sleep.” -Walden It is not…

Service cancelled this morning

Due to the poor condition of the streets in Lancaster and especially the ice under the snow. We are canceling worship this morning. Stay safe and we’ll see you next week.

Special Event This Sunday

We understand that it is a holiday weekend and some of you may be busy with family events, but we have a special event during worship this Sunday, so if you are in town, we invite you to join us Sunday morning at 10:30.  Sherry Clausing will be sharing pictures and stories from her mission trip to El Salvador.  Every year for the last 7 or so, the Endowment has graciously supported Sherry as she goes to El Salvador with…

We’re on Instagram

We don’t have any pictures posted there yet, but we have joined Instagram.  We will probably copy most (or all) of the pictures to Facebook and Twitter, but we haven’t worked that all out yet  Stay tuned.  We can be found at

Day Trip to UCC General Synod

As Pastor Mindy mentioned during the announcements, there will be a bus taking folks from the Southwestern Ohio-Northern Kentucky Association (SONKA) and the Central Southeast Ohio Association (CSEOA) to General Synod on Sunday, 28 June, leaving from Columbus at 9:30AM and returning at 8:30PM.  Our congregation will be represented by 2 official delegates (Jim Clausing and Pastor Mindy), but this is a great opportunity for any member of the congregation who wants to see the workings of the national setting…

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

For the week of 12 Apr, the Central Southeast Ohio Association Calendar of Prayer lifts up First Congregational Church, UCC of Columbus.  Please keep Sr. Pastor, Rev. Tim Ahrens; Associate Pastor, Rev. Emily Corzine and the members and friends of First Congregational Church in your prayers this week.

FunFest 2015 is Coming!

Our 3rd annual Fun Fest is just around the corner.  It will be held Sat, 16 May from 2:00-4:00PM.  Invite your friends and neighbors, there will be fun and games for everyone.