

Pastor’s Column – Mar 2025

I have never wrestled another person, but I have wrestled tangled extension cords, grappled with car seats, and warred with technology. I must admit that there are times when these simple tasks cause more frustration than they should. The never-ending list of chores or unresolved situations in life makes these small wrestlings more difficult. Tiny tussles are capable of breaking the camel’s back. Beyond simple menial tasks, we encounter tangled relationships, grapple with injustice, and war with ourselves. It is…

Worship and COVID-19

To our Grace Church Family and Friends Earlier today, the Church received an e-mail from the Heartland Conference UCC and Central Southeast Ohio Association that began as follow: The Coronavirus has us baffled! We find ourselves in a conundrum. We don’t want to be afraid because we are persons of faith. We don’t want to give in to fear and anxiety. Yet, we are called to act responsibly. So, what shall we do? Shall we cancel Sunday worship, meetings, and…

Lenten request

On 1 March, we begin Lent. According to Wikipedia, “The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, doing penance, repentance of sins, almsgiving, atonement, and self-denial.” I’d like to suggest that for this Lent, we, as members of Grace United Church of Christ, take some time during this season of Lent to pray and to listen for that still small voice of the still speaking God, and what God is calling us to do and be…

Lent…. from the pastor

On March 1, Lent begins. Lent is a time of focusing on prayer, fasting, living simply and moving closer to God. We observe Lent for 40 days, excluding Sundays, beginning with Ash Wednesday, which is March 1. On March 1, at 7:00PM we will gather in a service of worship. We will be reminded of a Lenten discipline of fasting, praying, and giving. We will share in the Lord’s supper and remember that Jesus was tempted. Lent is a time…

Midweek Lenten Services

Again this year, we will be gathering Wednesday evenings during Lent (until Holy Week when we will have a Maundy Thursday service) for a light meal of bread and soup, followed by study and a craft activity.  Bring the kids and join us at 6:00 PM, we promise we will be done by 7:30 PM.  If you or someone you know doesn’t drive at night and needs a ride, please call the church office and we’ll arrange transportation. Feb.17 –…

Lent is…

Lent begins on Wednesday February 10 with Ash Wednesday. It is a time for 40 days of fasting, prayer, meditation, and self-examination. It runs through Holy Week. Lent is a time when we turn our gaze toward Good Friday and ask ourselves, ‘what did I do to force someone who loves me this much to go through something this awful?’ We see this scene and ask, ‘Lord, what can I do to stop this? How can I lighten Your burden,…

Spring is coming

From the pastor… Spring is coming.. the time has changed, we sprang ahead, the daffodils and crocus are popping out of ground, the grass is greening up, the trees are budding, and Easter is right around the corner. For the last few weeks we have been experiencing Lent. Lent is a time where we seriously take a look as who we are as disciples of Jesus Christ, and work at changing those things about ourselves that separate us from God.…

Lenten Journey – gathering cancelled for 4 March

As we journey through lent, there are always some bumps on our journey, or paths to take, so tonight we are canceling the lent soup supper and journey. Not knowing what is going to go on with the weather, I would rather we were safe. So see you Sunday, NOT tonight!


What is Lent? Lent is the six weeks before Easter is called the “Lenten Season”. It is a time to focus on the suffering, death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Lent is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and taking stock. The word “lent” means “lengthen” and stands for that time in spring when the days grow longer. The original period of Lent was 40 hours. It was spent fasting to commemorate…

April Pastor’s Piece/Peace

Jesus and his disciples were among a million people preparing to travel to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. It was a three day walking journey from Galilee to the city on Mt. Zion. Some disciples went ahead to prepare for camping out along the way. The journey ventured through the hills and forest as well as into the desert. Today we prepare for a spiritual journey that we call Lent, Palm Sunday and Easter. Yes, we need to buy our…