Lent (Page 2)
Pastor’s Pen – March 2013
Often my friends joke and say as I enter a room, “Here he comes, watch the sparks fly.†I appreciate the humor relating my name to my work and calling. Part of my job is to guide the church into identifying the existing sparks and the new ways to make them fly for the ministry of Christ. As your interim pastor, I am looking forward to beginning the next phase of our…
From a Troubled Soul to Glory
Pastor Dennis’ sermon from 17 Mar. The last in the series “Temptation Does Not Mess Around”. http://www.graceucclancaster.org/sermons/2013-03-17.mp3
When Love Wins
“Love is what God is. Love is why Jesus came. And love is why He continues to come.” Pastor Dennis’ sermon for the 4th Sunday of Lent. Reflections on John 3:14-21. http://www.graceucclancaster.org/sermons/2013-03-10.mp3
From Praise to Rebuke
Pastor Dennis’ sermon from 24 Feb 2013. Reflections on Mark 8:27-38. http://www.graceucclancaster.org/sermons/2013-02-24.mp3
Ecumenical Carbon Fast
This evening at the Ash Wednesday Service, Pastor Dennis invited us as members of Grace UCC to participate in the Ecumenical Carbon Fast as a Lenten discipline. The Ecumenical Carbon Fast was started by the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ in 2011 and has been joined by many thousands of Christians around the world. A few words borrowed…
The Season of Lent Begins
The Season of Lent Begins Ash Wednesday, February 13 with Service at 7:00 PM. Weekly Thursday Evening Sessions will be held at 7:00 PM. The Season of Lent is a great opportunity for Christians and the Church. It is a time to check in upon our faith individually and collectively. Known as a season of sacrifice – giving up something that is a regular…
Easter Vigil or Good Friday Service
As you may know, the Worship Board is attempting to determine if we should continue our tradition of an Easter Vigil (Maundy Thursday and Good Friday) or if we should begin a new tradition of a service Good Friday evening. Â This is your last week to voice your opinion. Â Please indicate your preference on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex by Sunday, March 8.
Lenten Sermon Series
In Sunday morning worship from March 8-April 5, our sermons will be about discernment. That’s a churchy word which simply (although its certainly rarely simple!) means trying to figure out what God’s will is for our lives. God would like to have some input on the choices we make – from what we eat (yep, God even says things about that), to…
March Pastor’s Pen
Perhaps this will surprise you, but I like Lent. It certainly is a busier season for me due to extra services and the like, but I appreciate the time to reflect, to be disciplined, to seek God with renewed passion. I hope you will take a long, deep look at yourself during these next 40 days to see where God is encouraging you to do some weeding or growing. In Sunday…
Midweek Lenten Meals and Services
Wednesday night Lenten services begin next week (March 4). Evenings will start with a light supper, followed by a time of singing, prayer and a study of Lenten themes. Supper will begin at 6 PM and our service around 6:30 PM.