'Lent' Tagged Posts
Pastor’s Column – Mar 2025
I have never wrestled another person, but I have wrestled tangled extension cords, grappled with car seats, and warred with technology. I must admit that there are times when these simple tasks cause more frustration than they should. The never-ending list of chores or unresolved situations in life makes these small wrestlings more difficult. Tiny tussles are capable of breaking the camel’s back. Beyond simple menial tasks, we encounter tangled relationships, grapple with injustice, and war with ourselves. It is…
Pastor’s Column – Mar 2024
In a world of noise, confusion and conflict it is necessary that there be places of silence, inner discipline and peace. In such places love can blossom. In Silence God ceases to be an object and becomes an experience. Thomas merton 4’ 33’’ is a world-famous song composed by John Cage. It was composed in 1952 for any instrument or combination of instruments. It is divided into three movements, and when you add the total time of each movement together…
Pastor’s Column – Feb 2024
Tune my heart.Like an old violin,like a worn down piano,I have been left out in all manners of weather;I have been left alone for far too long.So like a concertmasterwith a steady hand,tune me up.Listen and learnthe cracked keys,the broken strings.Memorize the forgotten intervalsthat even I did not know.And then, when we’re ready,When this creaky heart is tuned,teach me a new son. Rev. Sarah A. Speed In school, I played the trumpet in the concert band. Before every rehearsal, before…
Pastor’s Column – Mar 2023
“e believe rest is luxury, privilege, and an extra treat we can give to ourselves after suffering from exhaustion and sleep deprivation. Rest isn’t a luxury, but an absolute necessity. Rest is a divine right. Rest is a human right. Rest must interrupt. Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto by TriciaHersey, pg. 60 Are you feeling tired? Do you need a nap but given your work schedule, doctor’s appointments, family errands, or anxiety level you find it difficult or impossible to…
Pastor’s Column – Feb 2023
“Seek the Lord while God may be found, call upon God while God is near.”God says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD.For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:6,8-9 NRSV Jessica and I will be married 9 years this coming June, however we have been together for 13. After 13 years I feel…
Pastor’s Column – Mar 2022
God of compassion, you know how we rebel against you. You know how we doubtand fear and hold back, when you call us to freedom and to partnership in Jesus Christ. God forgive us. Free us by the power of the cross, that we may serve you without fear.Grant us your peace through Jesus Christ who was faithful to the end. Amen. I have gotten it wrong. I… Rev. Pastor Keith have done what was not pleasing in God’s eyes.…

Covid-19 worship update
To our Grace United Church of Christ Family and Friends In response to the ongoing health crisis facing our community and our nation, our gathering time for worship was not held on March 15. After much prayer and discussion, the Church Council, in an online meeting, has decided to honor the request of the Heartland Association and the Governor to promote social distancing for the health and safety of our church family. Church services will be offered online between this…
Worship and COVID-19
To our Grace Church Family and Friends Earlier today, the Church received an e-mail from the Heartland Conference UCC and Central Southeast Ohio Association that began as follow: The Coronavirus has us baffled! We find ourselves in a conundrum. We don’t want to be afraid because we are persons of faith. We don’t want to give in to fear and anxiety. Yet, we are called to act responsibly. So, what shall we do? Shall we cancel Sunday worship, meetings, and…
Lenten request
On 1 March, we begin Lent. According to Wikipedia, “The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, doing penance, repentance of sins, almsgiving, atonement, and self-denial.” I’d like to suggest that for this Lent, we, as members of Grace United Church of Christ, take some time during this season of Lent to pray and to listen for that still small voice of the still speaking God, and what God is calling us to do and be…
Lent…. from the pastor
On March 1, Lent begins. Lent is a time of focusing on prayer, fasting, living simply and moving closer to God. We observe Lent for 40 days, excluding Sundays, beginning with Ash Wednesday, which is March 1. On March 1, at 7:00PM we will gather in a service of worship. We will be reminded of a Lenten discipline of fasting, praying, and giving. We will share in the Lord’s supper and remember that Jesus was tempted. Lent is a time…
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