outdoor service
Upcoming Events
There are a lot of exciting events coming up at Grace Church in September. First, however, our neighborhood tailgate party is being postponed due to scheduling issues. Hopefully we can reschedule it for later in the fall. Some of the events coming up this month include: Rally Day, Sunday, 15 September @ 9:30AM The Amazing Heart, a support group for those who have encountered heart health problems, beginning Wednesday, 18 September, 2:00-3:30PM Moving into the Future, bring your vittles and…

June-July sermon series and upcoming events
Just a reminder, we’re continuing to celebrate Pentecost throughout the summer and during June and July Pastor Ruth is preaching on the “Fruit of the Spirit” (Gal 5:22,23). Vacation Bible School begins next Sunday evening, 22 Jun and our 10:30 worship on 29 Jun will be held outdoors (weather permitting) and will be followed by a potluck picnic. Everyone is invited to join us for worship and these special events.