acts of faith

acts of faith

Some thoughts

My dear Grace UCC family, What a year this has been… one filled with grace and love, one filled with compassion and wonder, one filled with faith and growth, one filled with God. I was called by God many years ago to ordained ministry, as Pastor and Teacher. For a while I didn’t listen to God’s call on my life, I didn’t want to. I wanted to do something else, be something else, live something else. But God is a…


I am blessed.. I am so grateful for so many things. Today I want to say thank you to those who have taught me the faith, and those that continue to teach me the faith. I am thankful for my friends, my classmates, my family, my church, and those churches that have nurtured me I want to take this opportunity to thank some people in my life who have been my pastor… I really appreciate the love and care that…

Some thoughts on compassion…

I have been doing lots of thinking and observing, one thing I have noticed is how compassionate and caring we are to those who we know, those who are part of our community. This gives me great hope. We are blessed that we notice when people aren’t here, and we go check on them. AND that is truly amazing! We are living into our core values. Now it is also time to open ourselves up and move out of our…

Acts of Faith

I wonder how many of you watched ABC’s Good Morning America the week of January 23-25. They had a segment there about Acts of Faith. It is a book written by Eboo Patel. He is a Muslim. He started an Interfaith Youth Corps for youth from all different faiths. They came together and studied and played together and discovered that even though they have different beliefs they learn to love the others in the group. One of the questions asked:…