'covenant' Tagged Posts

'covenant' Tagged Posts

Returning to In-Person Worship

To our Grace Church family and friends, As promised, church council has been meeting every two weeks to review the possibility of returning to sanctuary services. We met again on April 8 and agreed to return to in-person worship services on May 9. Selecting this date will allow us to accomplish a number of important objectives. While many of our members have been fully vaccinated, this date allows for many of the younger members of the church to complete the…

from the pastor

From the pastor…. On June 19, 1988 at St. Peter’s UCC in Carmel, Indiana, I had hands laid upon me with hope, love and the Spirit. My dad said the prayer of ordination as I was blessed with family, friends, colleagues, local church members, wider church members, and folks from my first call. They were gathered around me with love. The authorized clergy, with my family laid hands upon me and the rest of the congregation touched the shoulder in…

Hurricane Harvey Response

Folks have been asking how we can help those in Texas who have been devastated by Hurricane Harvey. At this point in time, what is needed most is money, but soon there will also be a need for cleanup buckets. This page describes how the UCC at the national level is responding. If you wish to give money, you can give directly through this link, or write a check and on the memo line write “Hurricane Harvey” and we will…

Give for Disaster Relief

Members have been asking how they can help those who have been devastated by Hurricane Matthew.  If you want to give through our online giving button below, until we can add a distinct ‘Disaster Relief’ category from the drop down, use ‘monthly mission project’ and on the memo line put ‘Hurricane Matthew relief’. Give

Online giving is here

Pastor Mindy, in her monthly post, mentioned that the theme for our stewardship campaign for this year is “Go and do likewise.” Part of that is financial support to the work and mission of Grace UCC both locally and through “Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM)” which is how we support the United Church of Christ outside the walls of our sanctuary. Our congregation is blessed at the moment to be the church home to both the moderator of the Central…

Musical Instruments Needed for Flooded High School

As you probably remember, we sent the flood cleanup buckets we had put together down to our sister congregation, Bridges of Grace UCC in Charleston, WV following the devastating flooding down there in June.  Well, they have another request and we’re going to try to help them out with it.  We received the following note from Rev. Kay Albright, the pastor at Bridges of Grace The floods in West Virginia have been devastating in many areas. Bridges of Grace UCC,…

Emergency Buckets for Church World Service

I realize this is a little late, but our mission project for March has been collecting money and supplies to put together a few emergency buckets for Church World Service.  We’ve already nearly gotten supplies or money to complete 3 buckets, as Jack announced in church yesterday, but we really would like to complete 1 or 2 more.  Taped to the cart in the narthex are the supplies we need to complete the bucket we’re currently working on.  Please consider…

Game Day

  GAME DAY- February 7 – Super Bowl Sunday – We are planning a game day after the worship service.  Pizza and drinks provided. Bring your favorite games and snacks. Church will be casual dress that day…wear your favorite team colors!  All ages are welcome!   We promise we will have you home in time for the Super Bowl.  Join us for fun and fellowship.  Sign up sheet is on the office window.

Discernment as Covenant Community

Note: this was originally written by our Association Minister, Rev. Dr. Janine Wilson on Sunday, 8 Nov after she worshiped with us and was present for the meeting after church.  It first appeared in the Central Southeast Ohio Association blog, but we wanted to be sure it was shared with our congregation, too. Grace United Church of Christ Lancaster, Ohio When it comes to the picture, my cell phone sells it short, but when it comes to caring for one…

From the Pastor…

A Note from Pastor Mindy…. 200 years ago, Grace United Church of Christ was formed…so what does that mean? For me it means…. Covenant and Commitment…words in the thesaurus that are used as synonyms are: Promise Pledge Vow Obligation Assurance Dedication All are very strong words that say that when we are committed to something we give our trust to it, when we are in covenant we follow through. When we are committed to God, we give God our all.…