This Feels Right
It has been a long while since our parking lot worship service. After that service I was overjoyed and honored to hear that I would be your next pastor at Grace UCC. I was waiting in the church when I received the great news. Although many of you could not join us, some of us celebrated the moment at a safe distance inside. As we were talking, I noticed a phrase that kept getting repeated. That phrase was, “this just…
Lent is…
Lent begins on Wednesday February 10 with Ash Wednesday. It is a time for 40 days of fasting, prayer, meditation, and self-examination. It runs through Holy Week. Lent is a time when we turn our gaze toward Good Friday and ask ourselves, ‘what did I do to force someone who loves me this much to go through something this awful?’ We see this scene and ask, ‘Lord, what can I do to stop this? How can I lighten Your burden,…
Advent Blessings
A month, 4 weeks, of preparing ourselves, our hearts, our minds for Jesus Daily we pray and listen, for we do not know when Jesus will come again Very lucky are we, that we can be the story of love and peace Every day we open our hearts, souls, and minds to listen to and for God Now is the time to be ready, because the Prince of Peace is coming Time is at hand, for a little child will…
From the pastor…
From the pastor…. Love, Welcoming Community, Leadership, Fun/Joy, Faith The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22 Abundance—comes from the word abundant, which means: present in great quality, more than adequate, as in, we are richly supplied by God. We are overflowing in fullness and generosity. When we look at our abundance, and give out of our abundance, we don’t need to wring our hands, we need to offer thanksgiving.…
Grace UCC Calls a New Pastor
A huge thank you to everyone who showed up Saturday evening to meet Rev. Mindy Quellhorst and Andy, and on Sunday morning to hear her preach. At the Congregational meeting following worship, we voted to call her as our next pastor and she accepted our call. The current plan is for her to move at the end of August or beginning of September and she hopes to join us in time for Rally Day. There will be more about Pastor…
After many months of deliberation, prayers, soul searching, and people searching, the Grace United Church of Christ Search Committee is proud to announce that we have indeed finally found what we have been looking for–a new pastor (well, a candidate to present to the congregation)! Over the next few days, members will be receiving a letter introducing you to our recommended candidate and we hope that you will feel the same about this person as we do now. We have…

Meet Pastor Dennis
Rev. Dennis Sparks has entered into a covenant with Grace UCC to be our interim pastor. Below, is a brief bio. Please come say ‘Hello!’ this Sunday morning as he joins us on our journey. The Rev. Dennis Sparks loves the Church of Jesus Christ. He has served as a pastor and interim pastor in congregations from several traditions, many different locations and various sizes. Additionally, he has served as an ecumenical leader within the Christian unity movement. On December…
Pastor Ruth is installed
On a beautiful, if a bit chilly, Sunday afternoon, Pastor Ruth Farrell was installed today as pastor and teacher of Grace UCC. Rev. Dr. Forrest Hoppe, Association Minister, and Rev. Eric Williams, chair of the Association Department of Church and Ministry officiated over the actual installation and the moving message for the afternoon was delivered by Pastor Ruth’s father, Rev. Dr. (LTC) Bruce Farrell, a chaplain with the Pennsylvania Army National Guard who recently returned from a year in Iraq.…

Installation Scheduled
At last week’s church council meeting it was agreed that Pastor Ruth will be officially installed by the Central Southeast Ohio Association on Sunday afternoon, May 18 at 3:00PM. While all the final details are still being worked out, but the message for the day will be provided by LTC Bruce Farrell, Chaplain, United States Army (and, oh by the way, Pastor Ruth’s dad), so we invite as many of you as can to join us for this very important…

Welcome, Pastor Ruth!!!
Everyone is invited to join us as we join in worship this Sunday, 6 April. This will be Rev. Ruth Farrell’s first Sunday in the pulpit at Grace UCC as our new pastor. Since this is the first Sunday of the month, it will also be a service of Holy Communion.
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