
Upcoming Events

The rest of this month (and early next month) will be very busy at Grace United Church of Christ.  We’re wrapping up our year-long bicentennial celebration, plus it is soon time for our annual Chicken Noodle dinner. Here is a quick (but probably not complete) list of some of the upcoming events. We look forward to seeing everyone and as many of these events as you are able to join us. Oct 16 – noodle making @ 5:00PM Oct 18…

Grace UCC in the News

For those of you who missed it, there was a nice story about our 200th anniversary in the Eagle-Gazette two weeks ago. It was written by our own Joyce Harvey. You can find the story here.

German Potluck

More than 36 hours later, I’m still full from all the good food we shared yesterday as part of our year-long bicentennial celebration of Grace UCC.  Yesterday, we especially celebrated our heritage in the German Reformed Church by reciting the Lord’s Prayer (auf Deutsch) during worship and eating German food afterward.  Be on the lookout for info on more special events during our bicentennial year.

Bicentennial Celebration Begins

Come join us for our year long bicentennial celebration!  We will be having a multitude of activities throughout this next year, starting in October and culminating in October 2016.  Watch for activities, dates and times in future newsletters, on our web site, blog, Facebook, and Twitter. Our kick-off celebration event will be on October 25th.  On this special day we will be hosting Rev. Phil Hart, the Conference Minister of the Ohio Conference, at our worship service.  Later that day, we…

We need your pictures

As many of you are already aware, Grace United Church of Christ will celebrate its 200th birthday in October 2016, and we’ll be kicking off a year long celebration of this milestone this fall.  As part of the celebration, the 200th Anniversary Committee is looking for pictures showing people and events from the life of Grace Church over the years.  If you have pictures you would be willing to share, place them in and envelope (with your name inside) and…