Pastor’s Column – Dec 2022
We have sung this hymn twice in worship. Not only is the melody catchy and easy topick-up, but the words have the power to hold us like a needed hug. Each verse beginswithin a context of uncertainty and great challenge.Verse 1: “My soul cries out…”Verse 2: “Though I am small…”Verse 3: “Though the nations rage from age to age…”When we sing these words, we too have an opportunity to think about the challenges weface. Is it our longing for a…
Advent Wreath Option for 2020
The Christian Education Board would like to offer people a way to continue the church family tradition of making Advent Wreaths. The board will put together bags containing the ring and the candles necessary to construct the Advent Wreath. Participants would need to provide their own greenery. Please note that we will offer some hand gardening clippers if you would like to trim some greenery on the church grounds. The materials will be available in the Narthex on Monday, Tuesday…
Advent/Christmas Happenings @ Grace
We know this is a busy time of year for everyone. The same is true here at Grace UCC. Below is a list of most of the special events happening over the next few weeks. 8 Dec 11:30 AM – Congregational meeting 14 Dec 2:30 PM – Fairfield Strings Christmas concert 15 Dec 10:30 AM – Christmas Pagaent 11:30 AM – Birthday party for Jesus 24 Dec 4:00 PM – Christmas Eve Family Service 10:45 PM – Christmas Eve Concert…
Advent/Christmas Events
We are now well into Advent and Christmas and the arrival of our Savior will soon be upon us. This is always a busy time for our congregation and this year is no exception. Some of the upcoming events are listed below. We hope to see you there as we prepare to share the joy of the birth of our Savior. Sun, 11 Dec Worship @ 10:30AM Christmas Caroling to some of our shut-ins @ 1:00PM Taize Service @ 5:30PM…
Advent Blessings
A month, 4 weeks, of preparing ourselves, our hearts, our minds for Jesus Daily we pray and listen, for we do not know when Jesus will come again Very lucky are we, that we can be the story of love and peace Every day we open our hearts, souls, and minds to listen to and for God Now is the time to be ready, because the Prince of Peace is coming Time is at hand, for a little child will…
Advent meditation time
During the season of Advent, there will be an opportunity for who ever wants to gather together in a time of meditation. On Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22 at 11 and again at 6, we will meet in silence, music, word, and togetherness. I am offering a time of about 30-45 minutes to come and just be. Both times will be the same. I hope that you will take the time to come, to build community, to be with our…
The Word was God
Pastor Dennis’ sermon for the final Sunday of Advent.
Cookie Walk 2013
Our annual cookie walk is this Sat, 14 Dec @ 9:00AM. Considered by many to be the best Cookie Walk in Fairfield County. All the proceeds are used for mission projects, so come early, some years we’ve sold out in about 90 minutes. Also check out our Facebook event at
The Journey of Advent: From Presents to Presence
Tammy Townsend’s message on 1 Dec.

Joseph the Carpenter
Rev. Dennis Sparks’ sermon from Dec 23, 2012. The fourth Sunday of Advent. Joy Sunday. Joseph the Carpenter
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