Christ the King
Thanksgiving Begins with God’s Good News
This week in history has seen many momentous events, what are you thankful for? Pastor Dennis’ sermon from 24 Nov.
Christ the King Sunday/Thanksgiving Sunday
The last Sunday before Advent is Christ the King Sunday, this year that happens to fall the Sunday before Thanksgiving, so we’ll be celebrating both this Sunday. Join us for this celebration before you head out for the holiday with family and friends. Worship is at 10:30 AM this tomorrow morning.

After Snow and Rain, a Busy Holy Week awaits
Holy Week opens this morning with the story of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem where he is hailed as a king. Before the week is out he will have disrupted the business men and women by overturning the tables of the money changers and fallen a long way in the eyes of those cheering him on today. But they don’t understand what his real victory will be. Later, he will share a quiet Passover meal with his disciples, but shortly…