

And so, the transition begins

For a variety of reasons, this blog has been neglected for the last year.  It was started during a period of transition and, as we begin another period of transition, I guess it is appropriate that this blog and the website will be getting some renewed attention to go along with our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/GraceChurchLancaster).  Coming attractions will (hopefully) include, regular postings by our interim pastor, sermon audio, upcoming events and mission projects, and, on the website, the monthly newsletters. …

Grace UCC is on Facebook

I guess I neglected to mention there that we’ve created a Facebook group for our church.  If you are on Facebook, feel free to drop by.  I’ll try to create events in that group for special events at the church, so keep your eye on the events on the right-hand side of the page.  The group is currently open to anyone (members, friends, the curious).  Hopefully, we won’t get any abusive trolls there that would cause us to have to…