It’s Time for a New Choir Season!
Greetings! The summer has flown by, and a new choir season is about to begin. Calling all musicians, we’re looking for anyone willing to be a member of a choir. The first handbell rehearsal will take place on Sunday, September 8, from 9:40 A.M. until 10:15 A.M. in the room where Weight Watchers meets. The first rehearsal for the vocal choir will be on Sunday,…
This Sunday!!
40 years of music
During worship Sunday morning, 23 Dec, organist and choir director, Gary Culp and his wife, Marilene, were recognized for 40 years of service to Grace UCC. Gary is a retired Lancaster City School music teacher who became organist after the sudden death of the previous organist in 1967. Congratulations, Gary and Marilene!!