April Pastor’s Piece/Peace

April Pastor’s Piece/Peace

Jesus and his disciples were among a million people preparing to travel to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. It was a three day walking journey from Galilee to the city on Mt. Zion. Some disciples went ahead to prepare for camping out along the way. The journey ventured through the hills and forest as well as into the desert.

Today we prepare for a spiritual journey that we call Lent, Palm Sunday and Easter. Yes, we need to buy our Easter candy and be sure that we have the necessary egg dye. Some women will still look over hats recalling the Easter bonnet of yesteryear. We will decorate the church sanctuary with palms and then darken it for Holy Week. On Easter morning the white cloth will symbolize the resurrection our Holy Savior.

I hope you are on an adequate spiritual journey and that Grace Church is helping you on this Lenten walk. It is a time of faith renewal. Part of your journey is to reach out to others and invite them to be part of the journey. In addition to a Maundy Thursday service during Holy Week, we are having a Good Friday Cross Carrying Processional at noon on the church property.  We literally will be walking with Jesus. As is Easter, it is a time to reach out to others.

Meanwhile, Sunday morning worship services are being planned. On Sunday, April 6 *Sherry Clausing* will present her journey with Eye Care International to El  Salvador. On Palm/Passion Sunday we will all process into the church sanctuary together. Yes Easter will feature a light breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt prior to celebrating the greatest Good News. I pray that this season is one part of Grace Church’s preparation for a new future with both a new pastor and renewing congregation.

May Peace Unto You,
Interim Pastor Dennis