For the, I believe, 7th8th year now, Grace UCC is participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring on Super Bowl Sunday, 1 February. For the second year now, we’re competing with the other UCC churches in Fairfield County to see who can collect the most cans of soup (which will be given to Lutheran Social Services in early February to be distributed to those in need in Fairfield County). Each package of Ramen noodles (they seemed to especially like these last year and good deals can be had at Aldi’s or Sam’s Club) or regular can of condensed soup is worth 1 point, each can of “chunky” style soup is worth 2 points. Last year we collected enough to rack up over 1700 points, our goal for this year is 2000, so bring those cans of soup and packages of Ramen noodles to church and let’s help out the less fortunate in Fairfield County.