pastor’s column (Page 8)

pastor’s column (Page 8)

Journeying into Lent

Love, Leadership, Fun/Joy, Faith, Welcoming community From the Pastor… Extravagant welcome, continuing testament, changing lives… these are words that I believe lead in our journey of faith here at Grace United Church of Christ. We are called to be on the journey of faith together, to grow and love and be. Our journeys are different, but they are our journeys and they…

Advent Blessings

Advent blessings from Pastor Mindy, AJ and Andy…. A month of preparing ourselves, our hearts, our minds for Jesus Daily we pray and listen, for we do not know when Jesus will come again Very lucky are we, we can hear, listen, and be the story of love. Every day we open our hearts to listen to God Now is the time to be ready, because the Son of Man is coming Time is at…

Pastor’s Pen – January 2013

Christmas memories, I hope and pray that  your  Christmas memories of the past and for this year are good and healthy ones. Thanks to so many of you for the Christmas cards and gifts and to the congregation at large for the gift card.  With a national tragedy that focuses upon the loss of the lives of children and teachers in one school lingering over us,…

Acts of Faith

I wonder how many of you watched ABC’s Good Morning America the week of January 23-25. They had a segment there about Acts of Faith. It is a book written by Eboo Patel. He is a Muslim. He started an Interfaith Youth Corps for youth from all different faiths. They came together and studied and played together and discovered that even though they have different…