Pastors time

Pastors time

From the Pastor…
Love, Leadership, Fun/Joy, Faith, Welcoming community

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
What wonderful good news for us. We live, love, be and have faith because we know that Christ lives with us. We can ask questions, doubt, be together, and grow because the women found the tomb empty, because God keeps God’s promises. Now this doesn’t mean that everything is status quo or stays the same. No it means that we have to live and be followers of the Risen Christ, which means change and growth, opening ourselves us to hear and live as God calls us to. It means that we are challenged to live differently, that we are transformed. It means that we are to be passionate about ministry, especially new ministry. It means we open our minds and fill ourselves with the love of the risen Christ.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! And nothing is the same!
~Butterflies open out of their chrysalis …
~Violets fill the yard with purple and beauty …
~Daffodils and tulips and hyacinths are blooming and filling the earth with splendor….
~The wind blows and reminds us of God’s spirit blowing
~The grass greens up and has been cleaned of sticks and is mowed…
~Children, youth and adults find themselves outside in God’s creation, playing, walking, laughing….
~Smiles, singing, music, having fun, working hard…

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
Jesus Christ is alive! He is risen and our lives are changed, we are new people, we are transformed and transforming. We shouted to crucify him, to kill him with the others, but we have changed… we also gathered with the women at the tomb to believe. We were in the upper room, we are like Thomas, we are like the disciples, but we also know that we are loved. We have been changed. We are living with open minds and peace-filled ways. We are living with vulnerability and compassion. We are living as whole- hearted people. He is risen! Thanks be to God!!!

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
Spring, new life, Easter season in the church, we as a church family are called to continue on our journey, to share the story, to live the story. Some ways we can do that…
~Gather on Sundays for Sunday school and worship
~ Sign up, participate, show your support for the new ministry opportunities
~ join an affinity group, offer your help,
~help with FUN FEST
~ Come to, sign up to help, be a part of Vacation Bible School
~ send a note, make a meal, give someone you haven’t seen in awhile a call
~ visit a shut in, come and help with the service at Primrose
~ share your treasure with God through Grace UCC

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
It is the Easter season… Winter is over, we are God’s
Let’s continue on the journey together….

Journeying together, Pastor Mindy