Blog (Page 38)

Blog (Page 38)

News and thoughts

Holy Week activities

As Pastor Ruth stated in her message this morning, Holy Week starts out with some misplaced expectations as the shouts of “Hosanna!” will turn to “Crucify him!” in a matter of days, then to “Alleluia, He is risen!” shortly thereafter.  A great deal to cram into one week.  There is quite a bit going on at Grace UCC this Holy…

Comparitive Religions: Islam

Most of what you’ve heard on TV about Islam probably isn’t true or only applies to a few on the lunatic fringe (every religion has them, including Christianity).  For the next two Sundays, our adult Sunday School class will be studying Islam, what the Qu’ran really says and doesn’t say, and how Christianity and Islam are related.  Join us…

Spring Cleaning

On Saturday morning March 28 at 8:00AM the Men of Grace will gather to do our annual spring cleanup of the grounds around the church.  Members and friends are invited to come help out.  For more information,. contact Mark Brown

Easter Vigil or Good Friday Service

As you may know, the Worship Board is attempting to determine if we should continue our tradition of an Easter Vigil (Maundy Thursday and Good Friday) or if we should begin a new tradition of a service Good Friday evening.  This is your last week to voice your opinion.  Please indicate your preference on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex by Sunday, March 8.

Grace UCC is on Facebook

I guess I neglected to mention there that we’ve created a Facebook group for our church.  If you are on Facebook, feel free to drop by.  I’ll try to create events in that group for special events at the church, so keep your eye on the events on the right-hand side of the page.  The group is currently open to anyone (members, friends, the…

Lenten Sermon Series

In Sunday morning worship from March 8-April 5, our sermons will be about discernment.  That’s a churchy word which simply (although its certainly rarely simple!) means trying to figure out what God’s will is for our lives.  God would like to have some input on the choices we make – from what we eat (yep, God even says things about that), to…