Blog (Page 42)
News and thoughts

Trial Sermon and Congregational Meeting
It is with great pleasure that I announce that at this evening’s council meeting, 10 Feb was set as the date for the trial sermon and congregational meeting for the purpose of calling our new pastor. Further details will follow in a letter to all members which should go out this week and in the Feb newsletter.

40 years of music
During worship Sunday morning, 23 Dec, organist and choir director, Gary Culp and his wife, Marilene, were recognized for 40 years of service to Grace UCC. Gary is a retired Lancaster City School music teacher who became organist after the sudden death of the previous organist in 1967. Congratulations, Gary and Marilene!!

Joy to the World, the Lord is Come!
Merry Christmas! As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ today, we also begin a new chapter in the ministry of Grace United Church of Christ in Lancaster, OH with the start of this blog. For the first couple of posts, I’ll be doing the posting as our nominal webmaster and chair of the search committee, but eventually, we’ll use this blog to share news and messages from the rest of the congregation including our new pastor, whenever God reveals…