Blog (Page 35)

Blog (Page 35)

News and thoughts

86th-ish Chicken Noodle Dinner

Since at least 1926, we’ve been serving up delicious chicken noodles, divine cole slaw, taste-bud tingling mashed potatoes and sweet-tooth satisfying desserts on a Saturday in November. This year the date is Saturday, November 3, 4:30 – 7:30 pm. Although the prices have risen since 1926 (when just the chicken, noodles, slaw and potatoes cost 50 cents) at least…

And so, the transition begins

For a variety of reasons, this blog has been neglected for the last year.  It was started during a period of transition and, as we begin another period of transition, I guess it is appropriate that this blog and the website will be getting some renewed attention to go along with our Facebook page (  Coming…

The Church website is back

After an absence that stretched on longer than we originally planned, the church has its website back online at  Eventually, we hope to link this blog up with the website, too, but in the meantime, click over and check it out.

Shake it Up Cafe VBS

This year’s Vacation Bible School is going to be delicious!  Our cooking-themed VMS will be held Sunday, 12 June – Thursday, 16 June.  Evening bigin at 5:30 PM with dinner and conclude at 8:30 PM (preschoolers end at 7:30 PM).  Registration is now open!  Paper forms are available on the bulletin board in the Narthex.  Online…

Holy Week Schedule

We have a number of activities scheduled during this Holy Week as we walk with Jesus through that final week leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection.  This morning we celebrating his entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  Upcoming dates & times include: Thursday, 21 Apr @ 6:30PM – Maundy Thursday Supper and Tenebrae Service Friday, 22 Apr,…

VBS Registration Has Begun!!

Vacation Bible School is out of this world! Our space-themed VBS will run Sunday, June 13-Thursday, June 17, 5:30-8:30 pm (5:30-7:00 pm for Preschoolers). Registration is now open at (call the office for paper registration). Hope to see you there!!