Pastor’s Pen (Page 2)

Pastor’s Pen (Page 2)

Pastor’s Column – June 2023

God said, ‘Let there be light.’ And so light appeared. God saw how good the light was. Genesis 1:3 I hope you are reading this on a day when the sun is pouring through the windows. I hope you can reach out your hand or close your eyes and simply feel the energy of the sun transferring energy into your body and mind. If you aren’t in such a place, I invite you to really be…

Pastor’s Pen – March 2013

Often my friends joke and say as I enter a room, “Here he comes, watch the sparks fly.” I appreciate the humor relating my name to my work and calling. Part of my job is to guide the church into identifying the existing sparks and the new ways to make them fly for the ministry of Christ. As your interim pastor, I am looking forward to beginning the next phase of our…

The Season of Lent Begins

The Season of Lent Begins Ash Wednesday, February 13 with Service at 7:00 PM.  Weekly Thursday Evening Sessions will be held at 7:00 PM. The Season of Lent is a great opportunity for Christians and the Church. It is a time to check in upon our faith individually and collectively. Known as a season of sacrifice – giving up something that is a regular…

Pastor’s Pen – January 2013

Christmas memories, I hope and pray that  your  Christmas memories of the past and for this year are good and healthy ones. Thanks to so many of you for the Christmas cards and gifts and to the congregation at large for the gift card.  With a national tragedy that focuses upon the loss of the lives of children and teachers in one school lingering over us,…

Christians are Turkeys

Last Thanksgiving, while driving home to my parents, I heard a story on National Public Radio explaining why we call turkeys “turkeys.” After all, turkeys are indigenous to North America, so why are they named after a country in Eastern Europe? It seems it all began when turkeys were taken to England from the Americas in the 1500s. At this time, the English called…

September Pastor’s Pen

Let’s be honest: people can be annoying. Even those we deeply love can sometimes get on our nerves. In those moments, it’s so hard to be kind and gracious. But as Christians, we are to love at all times, even when the people in our lives are really grating. “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). Jesus loved us so much, he was willing to prove his love…

March Pastor’s Pen

Perhaps this will surprise you, but I like Lent. It certainly is a busier season for me due to extra services and the like, but I appreciate the time to reflect, to be disciplined, to seek God with renewed passion. I hope you will take a long, deep look at yourself during these next 40 days to see where God is encouraging you to do some weeding or growing. In Sunday…