'Easter' Tagged Posts
Pastor’s Column – May 2023
I waited patiently for the Lord;God inclined to me and head my cry.God drew me up from the desolate pit,Out of the miry bog,And set my feet upon a rock,Making my steps secure.He put a new song in my mouth,A song of praise to our God.Many will see and honorand put their trust in God. Psalm 40 Some of you know that I love music. What you may not know is just how eclectic my taste in music is. I…
Pastor’s Column – May 2022
New Life is Right Here Maybe todaywe can take a moment.Maybe todaywe can silence the inner critic.Maybe todaywe can leave perfection at the door.Maybe today we can allow ourselves to behere.Maybe that’s all that matter.Maybe this sunrise is for you.Maybe these Hallelujahs are for us.Maybe the hope blooming in my chestis for us.Maybe the resurrection was not just about God’s body,but is about our body.Maybe this new life reaches all the way to the edges.Maybe we are free to live…
Pastor’s Column – Apr 2021
And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. They had been saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. Mark 16:3-4 The resurrection of Christ is transformative. It changes everything! No longer will death have the final word, but life…
Holy Week Events
We have a number of activities scheduled during this Holy Week as we walk with Jesus through that final week leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection. Join us as you are able. Palm Sunday, March 25 Worship Service at 10:30 AM Maundy Thursday, March 29 7:00 PM Good Friday, March 30 Mediation, 9:00AM-12:00 PM Easter Sunday Sunrise Service 8:00 AM Breakfast 8:45 AM Easter Egg Hunt 9:30 AM Worship Service with Communion 10:30 AM
Spring is coming
From the pastor… Spring is coming.. the time has changed, we sprang ahead, the daffodils and crocus are popping out of ground, the grass is greening up, the trees are budding, and Easter is right around the corner. For the last few weeks we have been experiencing Lent. Lent is a time where we seriously take a look as who we are as disciples of Jesus Christ, and work at changing those things about ourselves that separate us from God.…
Holy Week Events
We have a number of activities scheduled during this Holy Week as we walk with Jesus through that final week leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection. Palm Sunday, March 29 Worship Service at 10:30 AM Maundy Thursday, April 2 7:00 PM Good Friday, April 3 Mediation, 8:30AM-12:00 PM Easter Sunday Sunrise Service 8:00 AM Breakfast 8:45 AM Easter Egg Hunt 9:30 AM Worship Service with Communion 10:30 AM