'community' Tagged Posts (Page 3)

'community' Tagged Posts (Page 3)

From the Pastor…

A Note from Pastor Mindy…. 200 years ago, Grace United Church of Christ was formed…so what does that mean? For me it means…. Covenant and Commitment…words in the thesaurus that are used as synonyms are: Promise Pledge Vow Obligation Assurance Dedication All are very strong words that say that when we are committed to something we give our trust to it, when we are in covenant we follow through. When we are committed to God, we give God our all.…

Bicentennial Celebration Begins

Come join us for our year long bicentennial celebration!  We will be having a multitude of activities throughout this next year, starting in October and culminating in October 2016.  Watch for activities, dates and times in future newsletters, on our web site, blog, Facebook, and Twitter. Our kick-off celebration event will be on October 25th.  On this special day we will be hosting Rev. Phil Hart, the Conference Minister of the Ohio Conference, at our worship service.  Later that day, we…

We need your pictures

As many of you are already aware, Grace United Church of Christ will celebrate its 200th birthday in October 2016, and we’ll be kicking off a year long celebration of this milestone this fall.  As part of the celebration, the 200th Anniversary Committee is looking for pictures showing people and events from the life of Grace Church over the years.  If you have pictures you would be willing to share, place them in and envelope (with your name inside) and…

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

Running a little late this week, for the week of 5 July, the Central Southeast Ohio Association Calendar of Prayer lifts up the Association Department for Congregational Vitality.  Please keep the members of the Department and the Association Covenantal Elders in your prayers this week.

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

The Central Southeast Ohio Association Calendar of Prayer for the week of 28 June lifts up our delegates to the 30th General Synod of the United Church of Christ going on this weekend in Cleveland. Please keep Jim Clausing, Pastor Mindy, and all the other delegates to the General Synod in your prayers.

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

For the week of 21 June, the Central Southeast Ohio Calendar of Prayer lifts up Highwater United Church of Christ in Newark.  Please keep Rev. Scott Schieber and the members and friends of Highwater UCC in your prayers.

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

Catching up, the Central Southeast Ohio Association Calendar of Prayer for the week of 7 June lifted up our mission partners of the Iglesia Mision Cristiana in Nicaragua and all our international partners of the various CSEOA churches.  For the week of 14 June, we lift up Heidelberg UCC in Stoutsville.  Please keep Rev. Ed Lopeman and the members and friends of Heidelberg UCC in your prayers this week.

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

The Central Southeast Ohio Association Calendar of Prayer for the week of 31 May lifts up Grace UCC, Columbus. Please keep Sr. Pastor Rev. Ron Hall, Associate Pastor Rev. Elaine Fennell and all the members and friends of Grace, Columbus in your prayers this week.

Some thoughts on compassion…

I have been doing lots of thinking and observing, one thing I have noticed is how compassionate and caring we are to those who we know, those who are part of our community. This gives me great hope. We are blessed that we notice when people aren’t here, and we go check on them. AND that is truly amazing! We are living into our core values. Now it is also time to open ourselves up and move out of our…

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

This week the Central Southeast Ohio Association Calendar of Prayer lifts up First Congregational UCC, Marysville.  Please keep Rev. Linda Meredith and all the members and friends of First Congregational in your prayers this week.