sermons (Page 2)

sermons (Page 2)

Passing Through Partiality and Seeing Face to Face

For those who couldn’t make it to church due to weather or illness or just want to hear it again, here is Pastor Dennis’ sermon for the 4th Sunday of Epihpany.  Reflections on 1 Cor 13 and Luke 4:21-30.

A More Excellent Way

Pastor Dennis’ sermon from 27 Jan is a reflection on Jesus teaching in the synagogue from Luke 4:14-21 and 1st Corinthians 12:31.

The Baptism of our Lord

Pastor Dennis’ sermon from 13 Jan 2013.  Remembering the baptism of Jesus and reflecting on our own baptism and confirmation. The Baptism of our Lord The video can be found here:

The Power of the Gift

“Just because we have not gotten to where the star is pointing, does not make it the wrong star.”Rev. Dennis Sparks’ sermon on Epiphany 2013.

Joseph the Carpenter

Rev. Dennis Sparks’ sermon from Dec 23, 2012. The fourth Sunday of Advent. Joy Sunday. Joseph the Carpenter

Life in Bethlehem

This is the sermon given by guest preacher, Micheal Zoughbi, a Christian, native of Bethlehem, and friend of Rev. Sparks.  For those who were in church yesterday, you’ll note, I managed to clean out nearly all of the bleed over from the radio station, hopefully this was a one-time occurrence.

When is it my turn?

Pastor Jill Glass’ sermon from 21 Oct, entitled “When is it my turn?”

Gifts given to share

Rev. Jackie Nehls’ sermon from 14 Oct, entitled “Gifts given to share”