'worship' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Covid-19 worship update
To our Grace United Church of Christ Family and Friends In response to the ongoing health crisis facing our community and our nation, our gathering time for worship was not held on March 15. After much prayer and discussion, the Church Council, in an online meeting, has decided to honor the request of the Heartland Association and the Governor to promote social distancing for the health and safety of our church family. Church services will be offered online between this…
Worship and COVID-19
To our Grace Church Family and Friends Earlier today, the Church received an e-mail from the Heartland Conference UCC and Central Southeast Ohio Association that began as follow: The Coronavirus has us baffled! We find ourselves in a conundrum. We don’t want to be afraid because we are persons of faith. We don’t want to give in to fear and anxiety. Yet, we are called to act responsibly. So, what shall we do? Shall we cancel Sunday worship, meetings, and…
Service cancelled this morning
Due to the poor condition of the streets in Lancaster and especially the ice under the snow. We are canceling worship this morning. Stay safe and we’ll see you next week.
Midweek Lenten Services
Again this year, we will be gathering Wednesday evenings during Lent (until Holy Week when we will have a Maundy Thursday service) for a light meal of bread and soup, followed by study and a craft activity. Bring the kids and join us at 6:00 PM, we promise we will be done by 7:30 PM. If you or someone you know doesn’t drive at night and needs a ride, please call the church office and we’ll arrange transportation. Feb.17 –…
Guest Preacher (and Dress Warmly)
Folks, just a reminder that Pastor Mindy is on vacation this Sunday. Our guest preacher will be Nicole Pickens. She has worshiped with us in the past, she is a seminary student at the Methodist Theological School of Ohio in Delaware and is a member-in-discernment for ordination with the Central Southeast Ohio Association. Please come out and welcome Nicole to worship. Also, a note, the work on switching over the church building from electric to natural gas heat is underway,…
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