'website' Tagged Posts

'website' Tagged Posts

A few notes

First off, thank you for your patience during this time of upheaval and experimentation. As noted earlier, the office and building will remain closed until further notice. All past sermons have been uploaded to the website (including this past Sunday’s Facebook live worship), click the sermon archive button to listen. If you are in need of pastoral care, please contact Pastor Vanessa via e-mail at pastor@graceucclancaster.org or call her at 740-206-9724. We will keep you updated via our various social…

Online giving is here

Pastor Mindy, in her monthly post, mentioned that the theme for our stewardship campaign for this year is “Go and do likewise.” Part of that is financial support to the work and mission of Grace UCC both locally and through “Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM)” which is how we support the United Church of Christ outside the walls of our sanctuary. Our congregation is blessed at the moment to be the church home to both the moderator of the Central…

New hosting

You probably noticed that we haven’t posted much here lately.  We were having performance issues with our old hosting provider.  Last evening we moved to a new hosting provider and performance should be better, so we’ll be posting more often (and get the backlog of sermons posted).  We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

New website feature – calendar

The WordPress theme that we use got an update recently that introduces the ability to show upcoming events as a calendar rather than just a list of events, so we’ve added a calendar page that can be reached via the Calendar link in the menu at the top of the page or by hovering over ‘Welcome to Grace UCC’ in the header menu and choosing Calendar from the drop-down.  The one downside is that it only shows upcoming and not…


Mea Culpa!!  I got a notice yesterday (it may have actually come in Friday night, I don’t remember) that a hacker had planted a phishing page on our website.  I had, unfortunately, stopped being quite as diligent about looking at the logs from the website on a regular basis.  I’ve looked at the logs since then and I believe I know how they got the content on here.  I’ve changed the password I believe they cracked and removed the stuff…