'prayer' Tagged Posts (Page 5)

'prayer' Tagged Posts (Page 5)

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

The Central Southeast Ohio Association  Calendar of Prayer lifts up Mt. Carmel UCC, Clearport this week. Please remember their Pastor, Rev. Marilin Miller and the all members and friends of Mt. Carmel  in your prayers this week.

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

Sorry, I’ve been remiss in not getting these posted the last two weeks, so we’ll catch up here and try to stay on top of things going forward.  The Central Southeast Ohio Association Prayer Calendar lifted up the Department for Church Vitality for the week of 6 July.  Please keep Rev. Scott Schieber and the members of the Department in your prayers.  The Department oversees the Association Covenantal Elders and provide resources to assist the congregations of the Association to…

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

The Central Southeast Ohio Association Calendar of Prayer lifts up Immanuel UCC, Zanesville this week.  Please remember their Pastor, Rev. Mitch Reed and the all members and friends of Immanuel in our prayers this week.

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

This week the Central Southeast Ohio Association Calendar of Prayer lifts up Highwater Congregational UCC, Newark.  Please remember their Pastor, Rev. Scott Schieber and the all members and friends of Highwater in your prayers this week.

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

This week the Central Southeast Ohio Association prayer calendar lifts up the CSEOA-Nicaragua partnership with Iglesia Mision Cristiana.  Please remember our partners and the members and friends of all the IMC churches in your prayers this week. Also pray for all those from the Association going on mission trips to Nicaragua this summer including the youth from Davids UCC in Canal Winchester.

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

The Central Southeast Ohio Association Calendar of Prayer lifts up Grace UCC, Columbus this week. Please remember Pastor, Rev. Ron Hall and Associate Pastor, Rev. Elaine Fennell and the all members and friends of Grace in your prayers this week.

CSEOA Prayer Calendar

Our Central Southeast Ohio Association prayer calendar, this week lifts up in prayer our congregation, Grace UCC, Lancaster.  So, the other churches in our Association will be praying for us this week.  In turn, we lift up in prayer, our interim pastor, Rev. Dennis Sparks, our guest preacher this week, Keely Pearce, and our search committee which is very close to having a candidate to recommend to the congregation to be our settled pastor.  May we all feel the presence…

CSEOA Prayer Calender

Our Central Southeast Ohio Association Calendar of Prayer lifts up our brothers and sisters in Christ of First Congregational UCC of Huntington, WV and First Congregational UCC of Marysville this week. Please remember Huntington, First’s Pastor, Rev. Timothy S. Dixon and Marysville First’s Pastor, Rev Linda Meredith and the all members and friends of both First Congregational’s in your prayers.  Also, Rev. Nancy Millwater, who has preached here in the past, fell and sustained a serious arm/shoulder injury which required…