'discernment' Tagged Posts

'discernment' Tagged Posts

from the pastor

The sun is shining…..following rain, lots of it; rain that caused flooding and destruction to the Carolinas and Virginia, rain that caused people to have to evacuate, that caused vacations and lives to be put on hold, and lives that were lost,   wind,  strong wind, that came with that rain…… But today the Sun is shining!   Last night I saw a full rainbow, God’s promise.  Two nights ago, the sky was aflame with color.    God never leaves us… in times,…

Discernment as Covenant Community

Note: this was originally written by our Association Minister, Rev. Dr. Janine Wilson on Sunday, 8 Nov after she worshiped with us and was present for the meeting after church.  It first appeared in the Central Southeast Ohio Association blog, but we wanted to be sure it was shared with our congregation, too. Grace United Church of Christ Lancaster, Ohio When it comes to the picture, my cell phone sells it short, but when it comes to caring for one…