"love" Tagged Sermons

Trust God

When the ground is swept from beneath our feet, can we, will we trust in God. There is goodness to be beheld even in trouble.

Glorifying Peace

You are invited to share in the peace that Christ brings into the world. When you experience the love of God, you can’t help but want to share that with others. Let us share that love and the peace it brings.

Mary’s Song of Liberation

As we wait for Christmas, Marry reminds us that God chooses the lowly, the poor, the refugee, and God sends away the rich and privileged. God favors the disadvantaged, the oppressed and the marginalized and brings wholeness.

Sibling Rivalry

Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.” If we can set aside our rivalries and follow Jesus, we will receive all that we need. Let us be the breath of life to others.