Sermons on Easter
Why Do You Look for the Living Among the Dead?
We are hanging on to hope and then we find the tomb empty. We are looking in the wrong place. Jesus has left the building. At the empty tomb, we experience awe. Now we need to go back out into the world, too.
Who Are You Looking For?
Even when we think things are at their worst, God can help us make a comeback.
The real story is how the resurrected carpenter affected the lives of those who followed him. Easter is always happening, Jesus is still changing peoples lives.
Christ is Alive!
Christ is Alive!! Spread the Good News!!
Even in this time of fear, God is with us. Christ is Risen!
The First Easter Mornings
Those moments in church when you experience God are also available outside the church building. There isn’t just one way to experience God. We each have opportunities to find gifts from God every day.
“So they went out and fled from the tomb”
Alleluia!!! Christ is risen!
“The stone was rolled away”
Christ is Risen! He is risen, indeed!! For copyright reasons, the video at the beginning of the sermon was removed. You can view it below.
“He is Risen!”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for Easter Sunday. Christ is Risen!
“Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here.”
Christ is risen!!! Alleluia! Pastor Mindy’s Easter message.