Sermons on Transformation
Are You All In?
“Go down into the plans of God … Do not be afraid, let go, you will be led.
To Dust
Nothing is permanent, we are not permanent, this life is a gift. God’s love though, goes on.

A Better Way
What might lead us astray if we aren’t careful? What elicits resistance within us? Most importantly, what is God calling us to do?

Embrace the times of change and uniqueness … as an opportunity to see transfiguration on a more beautiful way. God is calling us to be transfigured.
“Take these things out of here!”
Jesus clears the temple, he declares an end to the way things have always been done. God is now available to everyone!
“This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!”
Pastor Mindy’s message of mountaintops and valleys on Transfiguration Sunday
“You are the Messiah”
Pastor Mindy’s message of transformation and faith.
She Laughed
Rev. Dr. Bill Nirote’s reflection on Genesis 18 and how laughter allows us to face anything.
“this is my beloved”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for Transfiguration Sunday
“if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored?”
Jeff Davis’ message on how our job is to take the love of God out into the world. Jesus calls all of us to “go out and preach Jesus” in the world.
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