Sermons on 1 Peter
Rocks and Cornerstones
Pastor Mindy’s reflections on 1 Peter 2:2-10 on the tension between living as followers of Christ and living in the world.
“If I only had the nerve” – Christian Courage and Kindness
“When Christians bluster and roar against the world, are we really being heard?” Keely Pearce’s sermon on 25 May.
Lead Me, Guide Me
The Rock Sunday. Jesus is the cornerstone. Pastor Dennis’ sermon for 18 May. You can see the video of the demo that Pastor Dennis did during his sermon can be seen below.
Jesus, On the Road Again
Pastor Dennis’ sermon for 4 May. Not a bad pattern to emulate: meet people where they are, open the scriptures, break bread, send them out.
Peace and Our Ressurected Jesus (Messiah)
“Peace be with you.” Pastor Dennis’ sermon for 27 Apr.