Sermons on Exodus
God Saves!
Chaos is all around us. Who are the ‘Pharoahs’ of today?
All These Yard Signs!
What signs are we showing the community? God does not give up or back down. God has the power to transform us and make us new signs.
Who am I?
Why would God ever use me? Many of us would prefer that God just take care of injustice, but God calls us to do the work. No one is free until all are free.
God Enters The Messiness
Part 1 of Pastor Keith’s series on the Exodus story. Who is God?
“They rested in God’s hands”
Pastor Mindy reflects on two intertwined stories from Exodus
Rally Day
Rituals and remembrance
“Family, freedom, faith, and the Father”
Youth Sunday 2014, reflections on Thanksgiving by Kate and Jonah Pearce.
Ruling Rules and Commanding Commandments
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for World Communion Sunday. “It’s about who we are in God’s eyes, God always forgives.”
“But the Israelites walked on dry ground through the sea”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 14 Sep. We will be trying new things, but ultimately we are called to be in community and work together for the glory of God.
“I AM WHO I AM”: The Mighty/Small Voice in the Burning Bush
Keely Pearce’s sermon for 31 Aug. “Every person has a purpose and a call.” “Never put a period where God has put a comma, God is still speaking,”