Sermons on 1 Samuel
How is it with Your Soul?
God calls us to meet people where they are and care for them. “David took the lyre and Saul would feel better.” Can we be the instrument that those with mental health conditions need?
The Heart of God
God looks into our hearts and sees us and our sacred potential, so God can use us for God’s purpose.
Mature Faith; Courageous Listening
Help us to listen and to speak
Martin Luther King, Jr Sunday
Pastor Mindy’s message for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday.
“I have asked him of the Lord.”
Nicole Pickens’ sermon for 15 Nov of Hannah and hope and trusting in God. Sometimes we just don’t get it, but sometimes all it takes is being heard.
“Here I Am”
Pastor Mindy’s sermon for 18 Jan, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the call of Samuel and how we are all called by God to do justice.